Delays and cancellations are a huge and expensive problem for aviation companies. Up to 30% of the total delay time is due to unplanned maintenance.

While huge quantities of data are generated by aircraft, the challenge remains for aircraft operators and Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) companies in harnessing the power of these data to derive meaningful patterns and results. Just 3 years ago, the MRO “big data revolution” seemed far off as operators thread carefully in search of tangible and scalable benefits. But with the shift to include algorithms, analysts and machine-learning industry-wide, the threads are coming together to connect the dots. Airline operators are embracing data-driven aircraft health measurement (‬AHM) ‬and predictive maintenance (‬PM) to achieve operational efficiencies.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

“When all the data sources - from pilot reports to maintenance logs - are linked meaningfully together, which may take some time to materialise, data analytics can help operators increase aircraft availability, improve turnaround times, and achieve fewer maintenance delays and cost savings,” says Jeffrey Lam, Deputy President, ST Engineering Aerospace.

MRO companies use data solutions to help clients avoid costly delays and cancellations

ST Engineering Aerospace’s Aerobook3 (AB3) solution digitises traditional MRO paperwork to help us achieve greater efficiency and quality. Beyond that, it enables digital data across their global network of facilities to be gathered for analytics purposes, thereby improving the predictability of any aircraft maintenance event, reducing turntime and cost, and raising quality.

Data analytics through applying engine OEM design data and fleet performance data allows Pratt & Whitney to become more predictive and responsive to customers. Its patented data analytics platform Advanced Diagnostics & Engine Management (ADEM) analyses real-time health data of over 8,000 engines in service to enable proactive and targeted maintenance for operators.

Predictive maintenance is recognised by 66% of the airlines as one of the most prominent new technologies to have entered the market by 2020. “Connectivity and data analytics are the future of the aerospace industry,” says Jia Zhijun, Senior Director, Honeywell Connected Aircraft Solutions, Asia Pacific. “Honeywell believes the use of data and connectivity opens the door to better efficiency and safety.” By leveraging the latest Industrial IoT capabilities, the data gathered in real-time through our integrated Connected Aircraft solution can be used to reduce delays caused by inclement weather, unexpected maintenance, and other common issues.

Image | Pratt & Whitney